Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Where Have I Been?


It has been a year since I have written a blog post. Some may wonder what happened. Others may not have noticed the absence of my infrequent blogs. It is a bit difficult to explain. Let me just say that I was told I had to move from my home a year ago, and spent eight months looking for a new place. Asheville is a tough housing market. I have a place now, though it is far from what I want and need. Now I feel a little bit settled again, and am setting out once again to blog.

Today since the election is drawing near, I want to  say that I am happy that Kamala Harris is now the Democratic candidate for president. A woman president is long overdue in this country. I am a little shaky, though, on fully endorsing Tim Walz for VP, although he seems like a wholesome pick--a National Guard reservist, former schoolteacher, and all-around good guy. I am unsure if the younger demographic will warm up to him, though. I would have much preferred to see my fellow Hoosier, Pete Buttigieg, as VP. He is young, brilliant, moral to a fault, former Naval officer, and also an all-around good guy. Perhaps his being gay may have hurt his chances with mainstream Americans, yet I think the younger generation may not have viewed that unfavorably. Let’s face it. Youth will make or break this election as they did with Barak Obama’s election.

There is always the unpleasant reality that Republicans will continue gerrymandering, and purging poor folks from the voting rolls, and  interfering with balloting at the polls, as they have done in the past. That could swing the election toward Trump, unfortunately.

At this point, who knows what will happen. And since big money is the underlying controlling force in politics, whichever candidate kowtows to big donors, will have the advantage in the race. The media has gotten increasingly conservative, even reactionary in certain cases. Everyday Americans are extremely influenced by media, especially Fox News with its reactionary agenda and support of Trump. Even major news media like The Washington Post that we could always count on to give accurate, fair reporting, has taken a Trump-ward bent, probably due to its new owner, Jeff Bezos. Not to mention that the Wall Street Journal and New York Post are both owned by Australian billionaire Rupert Murdock, who is also behind the Fox News Network. Whoever controls the media, controls public opinion.

This presidential race will be interesting to watch. While I support the Democratic ticket, I am more in favor of overhauling partisan politics in general, especially getting big money out of it entirely and out of our hair.

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